In a recent unsettling incident that disturbed the peace of Monaco, a municipal police officer from Roquebrune-Cap-Martin faced court proceedings for domestic violence but avoided imprisonment. During an altercation at La Rascasse on January 2, fueled by alcohol and jealousy, the officer physically assaulted his partner, resulting in minor injuries and significant emotional distress for the victim.
The court heard how the officer, overwhelmed by remorse, wept as he recounted the events, his actions driven by jealousy and alcohol. His partner, though visibly distressed, appealed to the court for leniency, highlighting her conflicted feelings of love and suffering by requesting the judge to reconsider incarceration. The prosecution, spearheaded by Valérie Sagné, advocated for a custodial sentence, arguing the necessity of upholding justice and emphasizing the officer’s coercive behavior towards his partner.
Ultimately, the judiciary opted for a measured response, sentencing the officer to five months on probation with a compulsory treatment condition, thus avoiding a direct prison term. This decision also included a special exemption preventing the conviction from appearing on judicial record No. 2, allowing the officer to maintain his civil service position. This case reflects the challenges faced by Monaco's legal system in addressing domestic violence, balancing public safety with personal rehabilitation.